Why Being a CPA Is About More Than Spreadsheets

When people think of Chartered Professional Accountants (CPAs), they often conjure images of individuals buried in spreadsheets and crunching numbers all day. While financial expertise is undoubtedly a vital component of the CPA role, this diverse group of professionals has so much more to offer. We spoke to five accomplished CPAs to delve into what they enjoy most about their jobs, whether their work involves only numbers, and why aspiring professionals should consider pursuing the CPA designation. 

What Do You Like Most in Your Job?

Lindsay Power, CPA, CMA, MBA a Senior Business Analyst with a global perspective, finds the ever-changing nature of her job exhilarating. “You never get bored,” she says, emphasizing that every project introduces her to new challenges, ensuring that no two days are alike.

Craig Farewell, CPA, Co-owner and Director of Operations, and a creative mind in the brewing industry, loves working with a diverse group of industry professionals, from designing label artwork to marketing. The joy of seeing people appreciate something he’s created is a remarkable feeling.

David Arsenault, CPA, President of Arsenault Properties, relishes the freedom his job offers. His role goes far beyond just working with numbers, as he often finds himself on job sites, showcasing the multifaceted nature of his work.

Leah Boody, CPA, CMA the President of Pineapple Bytes, appreciates the opportunity to support people by creating an environment where they feel challenged and safe. She highlights the importance of teamwork and personal development in her role.

Courtney Burns, CPA, President and CEO of the Greater Moncton International Airport Authority Inc., finds fulfillment in leading a team that works tirelessly to deliver a better customer experience. Her work environment promotes challenge and growth.

Do You Work Only with Numbers?

One common misconception is that CPAs exclusively work with numbers. However, the reality is far more diverse, as these CPAs explain:

David points out that while numbers are a significant part of his work, he often finds himself at job sites, underscoring the hands-on aspect of his profession.

Leah believed that accounting was primarily about numbers, spreadsheets, and tax returns. However, her role is focused on strategy, leadership, and building teams to enhance a company’s success. Numbers help her understand a company’s financial position, but they are just a part of her broader responsibilities.

Craig highlights that working with numbers is a crucial skill for CPAs, but it’s not the only aspect of their work. As a project manager, he deals with resources, budgets, and timelines, which requires a wide array of skills beyond numerical expertise.

Lindsay, despite being an expert in numbers, emphasizes that her role encompasses much more. As a project manager working in operations and continuous improvement, her duties go beyond traditional accounting.

Courtney defines a CPA as a key problem solver whose skills apply to various scenarios beyond just numbers. Problem-solving can take many forms, and CPAs are well-equipped to tackle them.

Why Should I Become a CPA?

The CPAs we interviewed offer compelling reasons for aspiring professionals to consider obtaining the CPA designation:

Craig believes that becoming a CPA sets individuals up for success in the business world. It opens the door to a vast array of career opportunities across industries.

David emphasizes the rapid career progression that the CPA designation can facilitate, even at a young age. It grants individuals the credibility and recognition they need to advance in their organizations.

Lindsay highlights the diverse range of exciting jobs available to CPAs in various industries, extending well beyond traditional accounting and taxation.

Courtney, President and CEO of a major international airport authority, sees the CPA program as a versatile preparation for leadership roles across different sectors. She describes the skills learned in the program as applicable to any organization and industry.

Leah, a seasoned CPA and business leader, considers the designation a game-changer. When reviewing resumes, she prefers candidates with a CPA designation, recognizing the value it brings to an individual’s career prospects.

Being a Chartered Professional Accountant is about more than just numbers; it’s about unlocking a world of diverse opportunities. CPAs are not confined to spreadsheets and tax returns; they are versatile professionals who can excel in various roles across different industries. The CPA designation provides credibility, opens doors to countless career paths, and equips individuals with the skills to thrive in the ever-changing business landscape. If you’re considering a career as a CPA, remember that the skies are the limit in terms of the opportunities and the impact you can make in your profession.

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